Quiz: Working with Templates

Please enjoy this self-check quiz to help you identify key concepts, points, and techniques discussed in this section.

A tool used for processing and rendering templates is called what?

template processor HTML factory template engine code generator We use template engines to process and render template files in application frameworks.

What do we call the set of variables, objects, methods, and other information available to a template when it is being rendered?

template data template context template scope template worldview The "template context" describes all of the information available to a template when it is being rendered.

What do we call the double curly brace syntax used to output data in the Vue.js templating engine?

handlebars syntax ripple syntax mustache syntax braces syntax The double curly brace syntax is also known as "mustache syntax."

Which of the following are features commonly found in templating engines?

looping data interpolation automatic accessibility checking conditionals Looping, data interpolation, and conditionals are three core technologies provided by virtually all templating engines.

Which directive should we use to output HTML from a variable in our template context?

v-if v-for v-bind v-html The v-html directive will output safe HTML tags in a template maintaining the HTML formatting of the data.

What is the result of "two-way data binding" in Vue.js templates?

The data is constrained into a small area. The data is updated in the template when it is updated by the logic of the system. The data must be manually updated to update the template display. The data cannot go anywhere after it is output to the template. Two-way data binding refers to the way the data is updated in the template when it is updated by the logic of the system.

Which directive would be used to bind an HTML attribute to a variable in the template context?

v-if v-for v-bind v-html The v-bind directive is used to bind an HTML attribute to a variable in the template context.

What do Vue.js Directives look like when used in a template?

HTML attributes data output form fields bunnies Vue.js Directives look like HTML attributes when used in a template.

Which directives would be useful if we needed to show/hide content on a page?

v-if v-hide v-bind v-show The v-if and v-show directives can be used to show/hide content in a template.

Which of the following are reasons why we might use a computed value in our templates?

Annotate data with additional information. Format data to match our requirements. Combine data points into more useful labels All of the above are reasons we might use a computed value in our template.

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