Quiz: Deploying the App

Please enjoy this self-check quiz to help you identify key concepts, points, and techniques discussed in this section.

What tool are we using to build and process our source files for deployment?

Browserify Gulp NPM Webpack We are using Webpack to configure the build and processing of our site files.

Which are processes that CSS and JS undergo to become smaller?

shrinkage minification uglification compacting Minification and ugilification are two processes used to shrink JS and CSS.

File versioning (adding a timestamp to the filename) helps with what problem?

User's browsers caching files that we've changed. Servers having old data. Math errors. Syncing API calls. File versioning keeps filenames unique when they are changed in order to prevent user's browsers from caching files that we have altered.

Which of the following are deployment-related technologies?

Salt Stack Ansible BoxingDay Docker Only "BoxingDay" is made up. The others are all popular deployment-related tools.

What command do we use to build our Vue.js applications for deployment?

build site npm run build npm run serve webpack go We use the npm run build command to build our Vue.js applications for deployment.

How do we actually deploy our code?

Run npm run deploy. Commit the docs/ directory and push to origin. Copy to a flash drive and mail to server. Run webpack go. To deploy our project to Github Pages we only need to commit the updated docs/ directory and then push the changes to Github.

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