Quiz: Visual Feedback and Enhancement

Please enjoy this self-check quiz to help you identify key concepts, points, and techniques discussed in this section.

The first step towards presenting a compelling visual experience for a user is what?

refactoring custom fonts solid interface design lots of effects All good user experiences rely on solid interface design: proper grouping of information, solid organization, reduced clutter, etc.

What are two types of messages or notifications that can be used in an application?

postal animated local global Messages used in an application are either "local" (attached to a specific element in the DOM) or "global" (generally referencing the entire page content).

What kind of message is a load throbber?

global local Load throbbers are usually local messages.

Errors are not counted as messages in web applications.

True False False: Errors are just another kind of message, and they can be either local or global.

What are some reasons for using animations and transitions in our interfaces?

They are cool Draw attention to changes on the screen Draw attention to data leaving the screen Illustrate the change in category or status of some information All of these are reasons why we should use animations and transitions to enhance our interfaces.

Why would we use bound classes or styles in our interfaces?

Animate page transitions Provide a visual response to a change in data Apply different styles depending on data values Apply dynamic data to style properties (such as background images) Show/hide content There are many reasons to use bound classes and styles, but those do not include animating page transitions or showing/hiding content.

What component do we use in Vue.js to transition a single element?

App router-link transition transition-group In Vue.js we use the transition component to transition single elements shown with v-if, v-show, or components.

What extra attributes do transition-group components require to function?

data params tag key The transition-group component requires a tag attribute and each item included for transitioning must have a unique key attribute.

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