Quiz: Using API Data

Please enjoy this self-check quiz to help you identify key concepts, points, and techniques discussed in this section.

What does "REST" stand for?

Re-Structured Text Representational State Transfer Remote Engagement System Technology Registered Entity Synchronous Transfer REST stands for "Representational State Transfer".

What methods can be used in a REST API request?

get post put delete All of these methods can be used with REST APIs.

What does API stand for?

Automated Programming Interface Asynchronous Protocol Instance Application Programming Interface Authority Program Interaction API stands for "Application Programming Interface".

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation

True False True: JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

Postman is a tool used for what?

Sending email. Managing mailing lists. Exploring API requests and responses. Building fences. Postman is a tool used for exploring API requests and responses.

What module could be used for making API requests from our Vue.js applications?

vue-router axios vue-resource flux We can use either axios or vue-resource to make HTTP requests from our Vue.js applications.

Which querystring parameters are referenced in the following API request: 'https://example.com/api/v2/posts?authorId=2&tags=javascript'

v2 posts authorId tags The two querystring parameters in the API request are authorId and tags.

Which function will be executed when a Vue.js component is invoked?

data () created () constructor () init () The created () function is executed when a Vue.js component is invoked.

Axios uses which JavaScript concept to define an HTTP request in order to handle the time it takes for the request to complete without freezing the application while it waits?

Await Promises Callbacks Time Travel Axios uses Promises to allow the HTTP request to complete without holding up the execution of other parts of the application.

What other advanced JS concept can we use to handle the results and potential errors from an API request?

Scoped Functions Promises Arrow Functions Magic We can use Arrow Functions to handle the results and potential errors from an API request.

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