Quiz: Setting Up the Workspace

Please enjoy this self-check quiz to help you identify key concepts, points, and techniques discussed in this section.

The local setup for building a software project is called what?

development environment app platform system config system setup The local setup for building a software project is typically called a "development environment."

Which of the following is a platform for running JavaScript applications outside of the browser?

Webpack Vue.js Node.js NPM Node.js is a platform for running JavaScript applications outside of the browser.

The tool we use to create project skeletons of Vue.js applications is called what?

VUE-builder vue-Skeleton Webpack vue-CLI Vue-CLI is the command line interface for creating Vue.js application projects.

What tool do we use for version control in this book?

Git Subversion Perforce Mercurial This book assumes you are using Git and Github.

What features do we usually hope to gain in a development environment?

development server file combining/processing tools for improving code quality ordering pizza Most development environments deliver a server, file combining, and code quality features..

Windows 10 users should consider what tool to provide a more Unix-like command line environment?

Ubuntu Windows Subsystem for Linux Command Console Nixer The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows Windows users to enjoy the benefits of a true Linux shell.

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