Quiz: Caching Data

Please enjoy this self-check quiz to help you identify key concepts, points, and techniques discussed in this section.

The process of storing information used within the application to reduce the need for network requests is called what?

refactoring storing caching saving Caching is the process of storing information used within the application to reduce the need for additional network requests.

What methods are available for storing user-based information in the browser?

cookies local storage session storage IndexedDB All of these are tools that can be used to store information in the browser for the user.

Rate limiting is the process of controlling content for suitability based on the user's age.

True False False. Rate limiting is the process of limiting the number of requests a developer is allowed to make to an API service.

What unit of time do we often use to calculate intervals in JavaScript?

Hours Days Unix Seconds Milliseconds Milliseconds are often used to calculate time intervals in JavaScript.

Why would we store information in the browser for the user?

Provide a better user experience Save preferences Persist sessions Cache API responses These are all reasons we would store information in the browser on the user's behalf.

Which storage technology must we alert users to if we use it on sites based in the EU?

cookies local storage session storage IndexedDB In Vue.js we use the transition component to transition single elements shown with v-if, v-show, or components.

Which statements below are true about localStorage?

It goes away whenever the user closes the browser. It stores key/value pairs. It can be queried using complex indexes to speed up our applications. All values are stored as Strings. The localStorage system uses key/value pairs to store information, and every value is a String.

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