Configuring Deployment
To configure the deployment of our Vue.js application, we will leverage the ability of Github Pages to serve a website from the docs
folder in a project repository. This means that we need to alter our configuration so that Webpack builds the code into the docs/
directory instead of the dist/
directory (which is the default location Webpack uses).
To make this happen we will need to add a vue.config.js
file that provides instructions for building to the docs
directory. Create this file in the root of your project. The designation of publicPath: ''
and outputDir: './docs/'
will allow us to us deploy to a path under an account on
. Setting assetsDir: 'assets'
means that out css
and js
folder will be built under the ./docs/assets
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
resolve: {
//allow for @ or @src alias for src
alias: require('./aliases.config').webpack
chainWebpack: config => {
//turn off elint for webpack transpile
runtimeCompiler: true,
css: {
sourceMap: true
publicPath: '',
//build for docs folder to enable gh-pages hosting
outputDir: './docs/',
assetsDir: 'assets'
The command to "delete('eslint') is included as a convenience. Linting is very helpful for detecting syntax errors, but sometimes the rules can be strict or seemingly arbitrary and if they are in place can break the build. They are turned off here by the following command in the file above.
chainWebpack: config => {
//turn off elint for webpack transpile
If you remove that command or comment it out, you will turn linting on. Feel free to experiment with this if you are interested.
The reference to the ./aliases.config.js
file means we need to add the file to our root as well. This file provides the convenience of references files that are stored in the src
directory with the @
symbol. For example following imports are equivalent:
import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld.vue'
import HelloWorld from 'src/components/HelloWorld.vue'
Create the ./aliases.config.js
file and paste the following instructions into it.
const path = require('path')
function resolveSrc(_path) {
return path.join(__dirname, _path)
const aliases = {
'@': 'src',
'@src': 'src'
module.exports = {
webpack: {},
jest: {}
for (const alias in aliases) {
module.exports.webpack[alias] = resolveSrc(aliases[alias])
module.exports.jest['^' + alias + '/(.*)$'] =
'<rootDir>/' + aliases[alias] + '/$1'
Once we have created these files we should be ready to build the project for deployment.