
As I mentioned in the introduction to the book, this is not intended to be a final step in our journey towards better web development. There are many more things to learn about every topic we explore in this book. Hopefully we now have the information we need to continue growing and learning as developers and humans.

We have explored fundamental concepts like modern application architecture, third-party data APIs, templating, event handling, and refactoring. We have explored Vue.js concepts including component composition, routing, visual sugar, and more. We have worked with a half-dozen different projects to get hands-on experience with all parts of the application code and features.

It's been a lot of work. Congratulations on your efforts. It might seem frustrating to feel like you've come so far, and yet there is still so much to learn. But this is the fate of the web developer: everything we work with is constantly in flux. We are never allowed to rest.

Ask any group of developers a single technical question and you're likely to receive many different answers. But ask a group of developers what is the most important thing to learn as a new developer and most of them will tell you: The most important thing to learn is how to learn.

Hopefully the process of exploring this book has helped us become better learners overall. Continue the process by exploring some of the resources mentioned in the appendices. Return to previous projects and work on stretch goals or other modifications. Seek out additional material to read and watch and engage with.

Most importantly, keep building things. Explore the many novice-friendly APIs listed in the API Suggestions Appendix. Combine various APIs to create unique and compelling experiences. Keep building and creating. Keep writing code.

Thank you for reading Practical JavaScript 2: Building Applications. I hope it has been an enjoyable and useful experience. I have enjoyed creating this book, and I look forward to sharing it with as many developers as possible. Thanks again for being one of those readers.

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